716sportsgroup handicapper
sports handicappering


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716 sports group is all over the world 716sports group has all different Packages to choose from 





 All sports prop bets for a week
All Our Prop Bets For  7 Days

 One day
All Picks For 1 day


 VIP plays
My VIP plays for the day that will make you money my personal plays that are hitting 85% 

 MLB season and playoffs
MLB season and Playoffs 

 VIP weekly Package
VIP weekly package 7 Days of the VIP service and get the 2nd week free 

 NBA season package plus playoffs
NBA season package plus playoffs 

 March madness package
March madness is here get your package with us we killed it last year we are going do even better this year don't miss out 

 English soccer EPL
English Premier league soccer for the full season

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